Multiple store: Inventory management allows you to simply manage multiple stores by accurately tracking inventory. With PharmaVerge ERP, you can track inventory at every location, analyze inventory, interact with vendors, and backup all data.
Bin and Rack Management: PharmaVerge ERP makes it simple to handle bins and racks. It has features that allow you to organize the material and product in bins and racks and simply count the inventory.
Multiple UOM: UOM is an acronym that stands for "Unit of Measurement." PharmaVerge is an ERP system that supports numerous UOMs. Products in the warehouse can be stored in multiple locations based on the unit of the product.
CNF Stock Management: Can grant access to CNF to record out words and bills. Company manager has visibility on CNF stocks and value of goods hold by CNF.
In-transit stock trekking: Managing transfer between store can be trekked stocks on the way.
Pick and Pack: PharmaVerge ERP is also useful when using a pick-and-pack system for small orders because it allows you to easily create an invoice for these orders.
Hold Inventory: Hold Inventory's records are also stored in PharmaVerge ERP. Using our ERP system, you can manage all your hold inventory products and raw materials.
Make specific inventory: Here you can make a specific inventory and manage this specific inventory using PharmaVerge ERP.
Inventory Allocation to batch: Inventory items received on a specific date and at a specific cost are allocated to batches in PharmaVerge ERP. Every inbound transaction generates a batch record for inventory items that use the LIFO or FIFO methods.
Physical and cycle counting: Physical and cycle counting are inventory count methods that can be performed with PharmaVerge ERP to help track inventory.
Maintaining minimum and maximum stocks (Replenishment): PharmaVerge ERP keeps track of your minimum and maximum stock levels, and if the stock falls below the minimum, it will notify you to replenish your stock, and it will also notify you if the stock exceeds the maximum quantity.
Inter warehouse Stock transfer: When your organization has multiple warehouses, products may need to be relocated from one to another. This is known as an inter-warehouse transfer. All stock location information is stored in PharmaVerge ERP.
Drop shipment: Many time there are case like packing material directly shipped from Vendor to Contract manufacturer. System support drop shipment for purchase as well as sells.
Inventory Aging: Aging inventory means goods that haven't sold quickly or haven't sold for their full retail price. PharmaVerge ERP integrates this type of product information and will help you in a variety of ways.